Being a Celebrity Sucks

When I was younger I used to think how great it would have been to be some a-list celebrity like Bruce Springsteen or Brad Pitt. Not that I was obsessed about it. But I thought it would be cool to always get the best seats at games and concerts and how you'd be able to travel anywhere you wanted and buy whatever you wanted. Today, in my older version of myself, I know for pretty sure it would absolutely suck, and I'm extremely happy being a non-celebrity. 

I guess I'm thinking primarily of all the child stars who grew up in the limelight. Britney Spears is only one of many examples. I don't know what her net worth is. Google suggests it is like $60 million (ironic that I can get that info in 3 seconds). But you couldn't pay me all that money to be who she is. Is it worth it, Britney? I bet she'd say no. To have her life managed and scrutinized by strangers her whole life. To be unable to trust anyone close to her. To never have the chance of being in a normal relationship with someone who wasn't aware of her net worth and of the cachet that would come from being able to say that they are friends of Britney or whatever. Everyone she ever meets will probably want something from her. She will never be able to be normal in any aspect of her life. Not to mention that she was relegated to a state of almost slavery by her own father - forced to work but not allowed to enjoy the fruits of her labor, Not allowed to make her own medical decisions. Because someone with a license said she was crazy. And ironically, if she's crazy, she was made so by the same people who've been orchestrating her decisions her whole life. And by the paparazzi who've been making money on her images as well. 

This is nor all about Britney though. It's about Princess Diana. And Corey Feldman and Lindsay Lohan and others. 


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