Getting Serious About Stopping Fentanyl


Fentanyl is killing almost 100,000 Americans every year. That is more than double all automobile accident deaths in the country. The problem is being relatively ignored by government and the media. What can our nation do most quickly and decisively to end the epidemic as soon as possible? 

I say we do a few things:

1. Finish the border wall on the southern border to prevent the easy illegal importation of this drug into the United States. According to the Department of Justice, "Mexican cartels are increasingly manufacturing fentanyl for distribution and sale in the United States Precursors are imported from China and other countries and then pressed into pills, powder or mixed into other drugs at massive, industrial-scale labs". Furthermore, according to the same report, much of it is coming via San Diego: "More deadly fentanyl is being seized by border officials in San Diego and Imperial counties than at any of the nation’s 300-plus ports of entry, making this federal district an epicenter for fentanyl trafficking into the United States." Building a strong wall with robust enforcement of immigration laws and scrutiny of all cross-border cargo and passenger traffic will go a long way towards curtailing supply. 

2. Demand that Mexico stop importation of fentanyl from China to Mexico (for further transshipment into the USA). Mexico can stop easing the path towards the northern border of those intending to illegally enter the US. A buffer zone is one possibility. While cartels are a major part of the problem, theatening Mexico by cutting off remittances or taxing them heavily, could align Mexico with our interests in this deadly matter. 

3. Impose sanctions on China so severe it deters them from continuing to be the source of fentanyl killing Americans. China knows what is happening and is allowing it. As we have seen, by the death penalty for internal drug users and dealers, and the heavy-handed but effective way in which they've handled the COVID crisis, China has the capability to find out who is manufacturing and exporting fentanyl, and to stop it. We should make this a nonnegotiable precursor to relations with China. If they refuse to stop it or give lame excuses or feign ignorance, we should sever economic relationships with China, and kick them out of the World Trade Organization. Fentanyl deaths are too numerous and preventable for light measures against those perpetrating this war-like scourge on America. 

4. Demand leadership from our president on this issue. Again, annual casualties are similar to 30 9/11 attacks every year, and exceed the annual American death rates in World War 2. Surely the president can prioritize this as a national security issue. 


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